2014年6月13日 星期五

Day 353 - Desteni 的生活方式


1. 認識到並活出我最大的潛能

2. 按照對全體最好的原則生活 - 在思想、言語和行為上面引導自己,以便始終在各個方面把問題導向盡可能對全體最好的結果

3. 按照自我誠實的原則生活 - 確保我在思想、言語和行為上面是純淨的:即我的內在和外在是平等一體的。內在的我所是者就是外在的我所是者,反之亦然

4. 通過寫作自我寬恕以及自我應用淨化自己 - 認識到我對我自己的思想、言語和行為負有責任,我會為違反原則寬恕我自己同時改變我自己,以便確保為我是誰、我是什麼以及我是什麼樣的負起責任,由此確信我能夠信任我自己,永遠對自己誠實,對其他人也一樣

5. 活出對自己負責的原則 - 認識到只有我才為我在自己內在、我的人際關係以及我的外在世界裡面所接受和允許的東西負責,因此對於這種責任:只有我才有力量和能力改變我看到的對於我是誰、我怎樣活著以及這如何影響著他人的妥協

6. 認識到思想、言語和行為中的我所是者不只影響著我自己 - 也同樣影響著他人,因此對於自己在思想、言語和行為中的責任 - 我對我自己也同樣對我的人際關係負有責任,要在每一刻處在自我覺察當中並且生活在對我最好同樣對他人也最好的這樣一種方式之中

7. 活出自我覺察的原則 - 要覺察、要看到、要認識到我自己的思想和心智,要自我誠實達到這樣的程度,即當我看到我的思想/心智不是對我/他人最好的時候我能夠為其負責,並且我承諾立即負起責任同時為自己同樣也為他人做出改變

8. 對於為我自己負起責任變得自我覺察 - 負起責任同時覺察到我生活當中的其他人,以便協助和支持他們,如同我協助和支援我自己一樣 - 將自己所想要的給予他人,並且每天額外多做一點點,以便看看我在什麼地方可以有助於他人同樣還有我自己的生活

9. 活出自我信任的原則 - 如同我承諾我自己在我活出自我誠實、自己對自己負責以及自我覺察的過程中保持穩定,我作為堅定的信賴站立著,即無論我面對的是什麼,我始終在各個方面確信我是誰,並且在這確信當中,就在我堅定不移地活著當中獲得驗證,即我會永遠榮耀以及支持對全體最好也就是同樣對我最好的

10. 讓愛看得見 - 通過自己不接受/允許任何小於我的最大的潛能,我支持那些在我生命當中的人達到他們最大的潛能,愛他們就如同我通過把我最大的潛能、最好的生活/活著的體驗贈送給自己而展示出來的對我自己的愛,進而向他人展示就如同我向我自己所展示的活著意味著什麼

11. 沒人能拯救你,拯救你自己 - 認識到Desteni的工具和原則就是嚮導,但是我必須親自踐行這條道路。我們在這裡在這個從意識走到覺察/生命以及活著意味著什麼的進程中互相協助和支援 - 然而對於這進程本身,你就在你自己的心智當中和你自己單獨在一起:獨自行走著

12. 不去等待任何事物或者任何人為我、為這個世界負起責任 - 而是認識到是我自己在此時此刻創造了我是誰以及我的樣子,因此我有責任改變我是誰以及我的樣子,同樣認識到作為一個集體的我們創造了這個世界今天的樣子,因此這個集體有責任改變這個世界今天的樣子

13. 尊重每個人、每個動物的生命 - 從地球上極大的到極小的一切事物,我們拓展我們的覺察和責任以便為每個人以及每件事物同樣包括我們自己創造盡可能好的生活

14. 人際關係等同協議:個體們利用協議作為一個平臺走到一起,一對一地擴張、生長和發展,因為個體們在生活和生命當中無條件地支持/協助彼此,以便達到他們最大的潛能,而此處的協議就是一個走到一起的個體們理解平等地作為一個整體站立起來意味著是什麼

15. 如同自我表達 - 在此性即是一種個體之間平等地榮耀、尊重、體貼、看待彼此的一致的表達,兩個物質身體合併在平等一體當中 - 兩者在身體上融為一體

16. 認識到借助于存在於這世界上的我 - 我的責任並不僅僅限於我自己的心智/我自己的生命,而且還擴展到這地球上的每件事物以及每個人,因此我承諾將這覺察擴展到全人類,共同工作並且一起生活,以便為我們自己以及將來的世代使這個地球上的世界成為天堂

17. 我必須在我的思想、言語和行為裡面 - 然而最為重要的是在我生活的行動中,就一個人改變他們自己進而改變他們的世界的潛能而論,成為我的世界當中的其他人看得到和顯而易見的一個活生生的實例。以便更多的人能夠認識到我們可以怎樣去改變這個世界,即通過在我們的自我改變當中在對全體最好的原則下團結一致把天堂帶到地球上

18. 我就是我想要在我和我的世界當中看到的改變 - 把天堂帶到地球上即是把一個實用的天堂活生生的證據帶到存在當中,帶到生命當中,使其在我們的行動和言語中能夠被看到,能夠被聽到。我們就是這活生生的世界上必須創造出來的生命的天堂

19. 通過淨化我的思想、言語和行為 - 我的內在成為我的外在,因此我使我創造自己如同將天堂帶進地球,認識到‘看到這改變/成為這改變’還不夠 - 為了讓改變成為現實,這改變必須是我的一種恒常的、始終如一的通過在每一刻的呼吸當中所有人都看得見的以及顯而易見的說出來的話語和活出來的行動

20. 認識到我的物質身體就是我的廟宇 - 我的物質身體是活的肉體,通過它以及在它裡面我將會在我的思想、言語和行為當中將自己帶入存在以及把天堂創造/顯現在地球上,因此我榮耀、敬重和尊重 - 如同我會滋養和支持自己一樣平等地滋養和支持我的物質身體:我的身體就是我

21. 我們就是在我們自己裡面以及這個我們一直以來所期待的世界的改變:因此我承諾把我自己以及我的生命貢獻給等同全體的每個人,好讓他們認識到這一點,即如果我們在我們是誰的全部內在和外在的面向當中都不改變的話,那麼什麼都不會改變

22. 認識到要使我能夠在思想、言語和行為當中把自己轉變為我能夠是和成為的最有效的活的存在 - 首先我必須‘認識你自己’因此承諾我自己去調查、反省以及理解我是如何成為現在的我,以便為我自己同樣為全體預備前面的道路,即自我創造出一個負責任的、覺察的、自我誠實的以及值得信賴的人

23. 認識到為了使我能夠有助於促成在這世界上的改變 - 我必須開始‘認識你自己’等同於這個世界,因此承諾我自己去研究、調查和反省這個世界內在和外在的運行機制,從而校準當前的系統,以便呈現和給予地球上的全體存有盡可能最好的生活

1.       Realising and living my utmost potential

2.       Living by the principle of what is best for all – guiding me in thought, word and deed to always in all ways direct problems to the best possible outcome for all

3.       Living by the principle of self honesty – to ensure I am pure in thought, word and deed: that my within and without is equal and one. Who I am within is who I am without and vice-versa

4.       Self Purification through Writing, Self Forgiveness and Self Application – the action of realising I am responsible for my own thoughts, words and deeds, to forgive myself for transgressions and change myself to ensure I take responsibility for who, what and how I am and through this know that I can trust myself to always be honest with me and so others

5.       Living the principle of Self Responsibility – realising only I am responsible for what I accept and allow inside of me, my relationships and my outside world and so with this responsibility: only I have the power and ability to change that which I see is compromising who I am, what I live and how this affects others

6.       Realising that who I am in thought, word and deed affects not only myself – but others as well and so with Self Responsibility in thought, word and deed – I take responsibility for myself and so my relationships to be Self Aware in every moment  and live in such a way that is best for me and so others as well

7.       Living the Principle of Self Awareness – to be aware, to see, to recognize my own thoughts and Mind, to be self honest to the extent where I can take responsibility for when I see my thoughts / Mind is not what is best for me / others and commit to immediately take responsibility and change for myself and so for others

8.       With taking responsibility for myself, becoming aware of myself – take responsibility and become aware of others in my life, to assist and support them as I am assisting and supporting myself – to give as you would like to receive and do the extra bit every day to see where I can contribute to other’s lives and so my own

9.       Living the principle of self trust – as I commit myself to remain constant in my living of self honesty, self responsibility and self awareness, I stand as an unbending trust that I always in all ways know who I am no matter what I face and that in this I know, as proven in the constancy of my living that I will always honour and stand by what is best for all and so best for me

10.    Making Love Visible – through me not accepting/allowing anything less than my utmost potential, I support those in my life to reach their utmost potential, to love them as I have shown love to myself by gifting to me my utmost potential, the best life/living experience and show others as I have shown myself what it means to LIVE

11.    No one can save you, save yourself – the realisation that the tools and principles of Desteni is the guide, but I must walk the path myself. We are here to assist and support each other in this process from Consciousness to Awareness/LIFE and what it means to live – but the process itself, where you are alone with yourself in your own Mind: is walked alone

12.    Not waiting for anything or anyone to take responsibility for me and this world – but that I realise I have created who and how I am in this moment, therefore I have the responsibility to change who and how I am and so the realisation that we as a collective created how and what this world is today and so it is the responsibility of the collective to change how and what this world is today

13.    Honouring the life in each person, animal – everything from the great to the small of earth, that we expand our awareness and responsibility to creating the best possible life for everyone and everything and so ourselves

14.    Relationships as Agreements: individuals coming together using agreements as a platform to one-on-one expand, grow and develop as individuals in life and living to support/assist each other unconditionally to reach their utmost potential where the agreement is a coming together of individuals understanding what it means to stand as equals and to stand as one

15.    Sex as Self Expression – where sex is an united expression between individuals in honour, respect, consideration and regard of each other as equals, two physical bodies uniting in equality and oneness – a merging of two equals as one physically.

16.    Realising that by the virtue of me being in this world – my responsibility does not only extend to my own Mind / my own Life, but to the minds and lives of everything and everyone of this earth and so my commitment is to extend this awareness to all of humanity to work together and live together to make this world heaven on earth for ourselves and the generations to come

17.    I must in my thoughts, words and deeds – but most importantly in my living actions, become a living example for others in my world that is noticeable and visible when it comes to the potential of a person to change themselves and so change their world. So that more people can realise how we can change this world, by standing united in our self change within the principle of what is best for all to bring heaven to earth

18.    I am the change I want to see in me and my world – to bring heaven to earth is to bring into being, into living the LIVING PROOF of a PRACTICAL HEAVEN that can be seen and heard in our actions and words. We are the Living Heaven that must come into creation in this living world.

19.    Through purifying my thoughts, words and deeds – my inner becomes my outer, so I bring into creation me as heaven into earth, realising it is not enough to ‘see the change / be the change’ – for change to become REAL it must be a constant, consistent living of me through the words I speak and the actions I live visible and noticeable to all in every moment of breath

20.    Realising that my physical body is my temple – my physical body is the living flesh through which and in which I will bring into being and create / manifest heaven on earth as me in my thoughts, words and deeds and so I honour, respect and regard – nurture and support my physical body as I would nurture and support me as equals: my body is me

21.    We are the change in ourselves and this world we have been waiting for: and so I commit to dedicate myself and my life for each one as all to realise this, as nothing will change if we don’t change in all that we are, within and without

22.    The realisation that for me to be able to change myself in thought, word and deed to the most effective living being that I can be and become – I first have to ‘know thyself’ and so commit myself to investigate, introspect and understand how I became who I am today, to prepare the road before me into self creation of a responsible, aware, self honest and trustworthy person for myself and so for all

23.    The realisation that for me to be able to contribute to change in this world – I have to get to ‘know thyself’ as this world and so commit myself to research, investigate and introspect the inner and outer workings of this world and align the systems of today to present and give the best possible life for all on Earth